Book a Museum Visit

Details of our 2024 opening dates are below.
All bookings need to be requested at least a week in advance.

NOTE: Due to circumstances beyond our control, the planned Open Day for Sunday 7th July 2024 has had to be changed to the following weekend, Sunday 14th July. Circumstances like this are rare, however because we are located on an operational military base we are subject to their plans and schedules.

2024 Museum Open Days
Sunday 7th AprilFULLY BOOKED
Sunday 5th MayFULLY BOOKED
Sunday 2nd JuneFULLY BOOKED
Sunday 7th JulyCANCELLED. Changed to Sunday 14th July
Sunday 14th JulyFULLY BOOKED
Sunday 4th August
Saturday 17th August
Sunday 1st September
Saturday 14th September
Sunday 6th October

We will be open from 11am until 4pm.
Please allow 2 hours for your visit.

We also welcome schools visits, veterans groups, clubs and other organisations outside our regular open Sundays.
Please use the form provided below for more information.

How to Book your visit

Please send the following information using the form below

When we receive your information, our team will contact you to confirm your booking.

Guidance Notes for your visit

Here at Wattisham Station Heritage Museum we want to make your visit to our museum as relaxed as possible, but to do this we need you to understand that our museum and aircraft workshop is located within the Wattisham Army Base, which is an active military base and as such all visitors have to adhere to the Stations security requirements below.


Visitors over 18 years of age will be required to produce photo identification upon your arrival, i.e. Passport/Drivers Licence/Bus Pass etc

IMPORTANT INFORMATION: Please send your request at least
3 WORKING DAYS in advance of your visit

We have to comply with the military security protocol in order for the military to issue a base pass for your visit. If you do not allow for this when making an application to visit our museum you will not be allowed on the base.

We hope you understand the reason for complying with the above requirements and we look forward to showing you around upon your arrival.

About your visit to the Museum.