2024 Opening News

All bookings need to be requested at least a week in advance.

NOTE: Due to circumstances beyond our control, the planned Open Day for Sunday 7th July 2024 has had to be changed to the following weekend, Sunday 14th July. Circumstances like this are rare, however because we are located on an operational military base we are subject to their plans and schedules.

Museum Open Days in 2024
Sunday 7th AprilFULLY BOOKED
Sunday 5th MayFULLY BOOKED
Sunday 2nd JuneFULLY BOOKED
Sunday 7th JulyCANCELLED. Changed to 14th July
Sunday 14th JulyFULLY BOOKED
Sunday 4th August
Saturday 17th August
Sunday 1st September
Saturday 14th September
Sunday 6th October

Visit booking information is available here…..

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