Friday 8th September 2023 saw the arrival at Wattisham of a new exhibit, a Meteor Night Fighter.
In preparation for the arrival a team of early bird volunteers pitched up at the HAS to be greeted with the great sight of an early morning Phantom.

Work soon started on clearing a bit of space inside the HAS, and a great job was done.

Before long a couple of trucks were escorted into the HAS site to offload their prized cargo.

No time sit and admire the newcomer as the delivery drivers had work to do and places to be.

First off using the HIAB was the Meteor centre section

Once in place, the second lorry carefully reversed into the HAS.

Meteor outer wings safely offloaded, then attention moved to the rear fuselage and tail section.

Finally, the nose section was carefully offloaded…..

….and with care placed in front of the centre fuselage

Job done, the whole aircraft is now safely in place inside the HAS

And thanks go to EVERYONE who helped make today happen.
A brief video of this morning’s efforts is here.