Meet The Team – Nathan

It was Nathan’s passion for all things F-4 (Phantom) that led him to being asked to ‘join the team’ in August 2019. His love for the Phantom was born from his time as an Air Cadet with 1287 (Wattisham) Squadron back in the late 1980’s – early 90’s when the F-4s were very active at the former RAF base.

Wattisham is Nathan’s ‘happy place’, especially over at the HAS (Hardened Aircraft Shelter) where he enjoys conducting cockpit tours of our Phantom (XT914). He enjoys equally giving tours to those having never previously sat in a cockpit to receiving visitors who themselves were either pilots, navigators or ground crew. He is relentless in obtaining knowledge from those who served to increase his knowledge further.

Nathan will be flitting between our two buildings so if you see him ‘out and about’ and have a question or query then please do speak to him.